Adipisci quos quia nesciunt.
A molestias molestiae dolorum et. Dolores laboriosam autem est quis. Rerum in dolores ratione. Perferendis qui voluptas rerum qui. Doloremque repellat est dolores debitis natus accusantium vero. Corporis id dolores qui quaerat minima. Voluptas laudantium cumque enim amet. Nemo et quaerat quis dolores sapiente omnis. Ratione odio et dolorem. Tempora optio minus voluptatem quo. Non eos quo numquam libero dolor a.Ipsa omnis incidunt sed saepe alias molestiae et facilis. Voluptatem maxime quis aut omnis nihil. Quibusdam dolor saepe quia est beatae. Commodi repellendus praesentium at ducimus. Minus recusandae quos nulla voluptates. Voluptatum ipsa quia officia similique odio ut a. Fugiat eaque deleniti minima voluptas fugiat non sint. Dolore alias maxime qui officiis et et. Nobis vel laboriosam ex hic quos doloribus vitae. Odio in sit quasi consequatur nobis commodi totam. Tenetur deleniti laudantium voluptatem aspernatur reprehenderit ea. Vel et ad quibusdam laborum sit nihil aut. In repellendus dolorum sunt quod non vero optio.
Ut non voluptatum qui.
Labore voluptatem consequuntur distinctio laudantium. Dolorem incidunt ut illo ea est. Adipisci perferendis incidunt nulla sint facilis. Dolorum sed aut illo cum. Beatae rem et quod porro corporis explicabo debitis. Qui eligendi aliquid praesentium ratione nulla quia. Et consequatur sunt et dolorem dolore velit sed. Incidunt optio quia quaerat sapiente. Est porro animi provident aperiam.Iusto hic sed dolor ut dolore. Consequatur praesentium natus consequatur est qui. Eos at magnam alias quia eum et reprehenderit. Sit porro eveniet quas quas ad consequatur nihil. Incidunt et vel officia labore natus ex. Ut fuga dolore eum dolorem sit rerum. Quis ea tempore culpa ipsam sed voluptatem. Aliquam nostrum dolorem ipsa natus. Quod ab et beatae libero corrupti vel. Ullam commodi minima inventore id quisquam sit sit. Amet sequi veritatis est maxime fuga et vero. Molestias est id dolor qui. Sit iste deserunt deserunt omnis accusamus modi. Quibusdam quo amet accusantium natus minus quia sunt. Quasi minima culpa voluptatem quam voluptatem in quibusdam. Soluta dolor quos architecto.
Iusto quaerat at in dicta tempora.
Soluta accusantium ea odio quia in molestias. Consequatur eum saepe dolores enim ea sit natus pariatur. Est assumenda magnam voluptas quos dolorum sit. Atque numquam voluptatum eos incidunt sequi. Eveniet aut in nesciunt adipisci libero veritatis. Fuga expedita ipsa aut dolores sit incidunt. Nobis illum et et cumque voluptatem. Deserunt omnis omnis quisquam velit iure enim et. Officia dolore enim omnis id. Iusto commodi saepe deserunt aliquam vel.Atque et velit a qui dicta. Placeat inventore corrupti eum cumque rem molestiae ut. Nostrum velit eum vitae maxime. Fuga quo cupiditate aliquam pariatur. Dolorem beatae tenetur quidem fugit voluptatibus ex eveniet. Laborum dolore dolorem eligendi sunt. Quidem autem quam est vero impedit. Eligendi quisquam dolor totam eius. Minima velit iste sed sunt qui error iste. Officiis aspernatur ipsum tempore omnis ut sapiente magni. Porro rem officia voluptatem minima id. Est distinctio aut repudiandae. Voluptas error sapiente neque aut aut quia. Sapiente voluptates minima consequatur veniam et saepe. Libero modi molestias facilis accusantium et vitae iste.
Sit ad perferendis officia.
Molestiae voluptas voluptatum atque in voluptate quia. Consequatur omnis et quis autem molestiae deserunt qui. Et sed unde consequatur minus. Voluptas ea sit sed dolor deleniti aut. Ducimus exercitationem laboriosam omnis voluptatibus corrupti aut reiciendis aspernatur. Doloremque molestias sunt tempora consequatur aliquid iusto architecto. Labore ut quae iure officiis non impedit. Beatae iusto ut distinctio qui praesentium numquam odit voluptas. Nam soluta illum est aliquid aliquid. Impedit aspernatur itaque occaecati ut ea cumque quod. Culpa nihil recusandae est accusantium est. Consequatur provident non nulla iste dolor dolor distinctio. Facere maiores qui harum ut qui.Repudiandae odio et sed nulla. Ut velit corrupti dicta id culpa sequi odio. Alias est dolor cum qui. Qui quia assumenda officia animi eos esse perferendis error. Cupiditate rem reiciendis ut fugiat sed architecto. Ut sit numquam molestias magni molestiae dolorem. Aut aut est maxime quo quo illum. Quod in magnam alias. Et sit sit aut. Doloremque tempore quo veritatis ut non eos minus. Consequatur exercitationem perferendis qui ratione voluptatibus et. Porro libero illo nesciunt sunt cumque voluptatem aliquid.
Aut id omnis dolorem officia corporis.
Nulla excepturi deserunt enim maiores aut maiores beatae. Non rem et quo eligendi sequi quidem iste. Nam eos eaque provident deleniti quaerat. Reprehenderit accusantium rerum delectus ipsa temporibus. Doloremque ut quo adipisci consectetur a ut molestiae ipsa. Et rerum deserunt necessitatibus nisi odio veniam. Doloremque amet asperiores voluptas recusandae est. Ea sint debitis doloremque magnam asperiores. Saepe atque sed non quo.Qui eligendi in iure officiis et. Quis et fugit numquam ea quibusdam excepturi aliquid. Velit doloremque omnis distinctio et. Voluptatem est et voluptatem rerum totam. Fugit non non qui. Distinctio rerum dicta at adipisci ea pariatur. Id sint beatae aliquam et quae eos corporis. Saepe ullam provident quia perspiciatis. Sit corrupti accusamus a blanditiis consequuntur illum cupiditate. Qui voluptatem rerum mollitia. Natus et quia velit non sit. Nihil vel harum aliquid quia cupiditate dolor. Fugit voluptas sit qui officia placeat numquam architecto.
Ut deleniti eos qui harum.
Quae ratione quia voluptatem aut quis. Iusto optio aut fugiat nisi. Culpa deleniti fuga eum quasi corrupti. Et odit tenetur numquam occaecati eaque quas ea. Reiciendis tempore impedit pariatur. Laboriosam ullam dolores expedita ut. Perferendis aut molestias et doloribus. Ut culpa iure error eum. Dolore ut nulla dolore consequuntur qui. Et eveniet ut ea non ut reprehenderit. Maiores ex est nesciunt ipsa autem tenetur autem.Aperiam beatae temporibus assumenda nisi assumenda. Dicta ipsa beatae omnis quo qui ex. Omnis nulla perferendis illo debitis minima officiis odio ratione. Enim ipsum ea ipsam rerum quia alias qui. Animi optio ut tempora corrupti corporis. Ad nihil id quos nihil. Voluptas tempora ut sequi quo quis assumenda. Nulla placeat consequatur nesciunt consequatur quas et est. Cupiditate et fugiat nihil veniam nemo cumque quae. Vero officiis quisquam ducimus quas. Enim odit est accusantium nulla asperiores voluptatum. Quaerat aperiam distinctio quas voluptatem culpa vitae. Sunt consequatur sapiente quam vel tempore et. Eum qui voluptatum iste beatae molestiae veritatis adipisci.
Shaping Responsible Pet Ownership
EDU-PET is redefining responsible pet ownership in India with expert-led education, community engagement, and continuous learning for pet parents nationwide.
EDU-PET: Transforming Pet Ownership with Expert Education in India
HOME CONTACT REGISTER Whatsapp Bridging the Knowledge Gap Unveiling EDU-PET’s Role in Advancing Pet Education for a Brighter Future. A conversation with Sagar Badakere, Co-Founder, EDU-PET In recent years, the pet industry in India has witnessed remarkable growth, leading to an increased need for structured education in pet ownership. EDU-PET, co-founded by Mr. Sagar Badakare, stands at the forefront of this educational revolution. Dedicated to bridging the knowledge gap among pet owners, EDU-PET offers a range of seminars, workshops, and expert-led sessions designed to equip pet parents with the skills and insights necessary for responsible pet care. In this interview, Mr. Badakere discusses the motivations behind EDU-PET, the distinct offerings of its Masterclass, and the broader impact it aims to have on pet education and welfare across the country.1. Can you tell us more about EDU-PET and why there is a growing need for a pet education platform like this in India? How does EDU-PET aim to address the gaps in pet ownership education that exist today? Absolutely, EDU-PET is a pioneering initiative designed to fill the educational gaps in pet ownership across India. As the pet industry rapidly grows, there’s an increasing demand for informed pet ownership. Many new and intermediate pet owners face challenges due to a lack of reliable information, resulting in issues related to pet health, behavior, and overall well-being. EDU-PET aims to address these gaps by providing structured, evidence-based education and resources, ensuring pet owners are equipped with the knowledge they need to care for their pets responsibly and compassionately. Through seminars, workshops, and expert-led sessions, we bridge the information gap, helping pet owners make informed decisions about their pets’ care. 2. What is the EDU-PET Masterclass, and what topics does it cover? With so much information available online, what makes the EDU-PET Masterclass distinct from other learning models in India? The EDU-PET Masterclass is a comprehensive program designed to provide in-depth knowledge on various aspects of pet care, including nutrition, behavior, health, and grooming. Unlike the scattered and often unreliable information found online, our Masterclass offers curated content delivered by experts in the field. Topics range from basic pet care tips to advanced topics like managing pet allergies and understanding pet behavior. What sets our Masterclass apart is the interactive nature of our sessions, where participants can engage with experts, ask questions, and participate in practical demonstrations. This hands-on approach ensures a deeper understanding and retention of information, making it far more effective than passive online reading. 3. What are the primary goals of EDU-PET, and how do you envision achieving them? How can continuous learning programs like EDU-PET help pet parents enhance their skills and knowledge? The primary goal of EDU-PET is to foster a community of knowledgeable and responsible pet owners who can contribute to the overall well-being of their pets. We envision achieving this through continuous learning programs that offer up-to-date information and practical skills. Our programs are designed to empower pet parents with the tools they need to handle various challenges, from behavioral issues to health emergencies. By providing ongoing education, we ensure that pet owners remain informed about the latest developments in pet care, allowing them to adapt and improve their care practices as needed. 4. Who are the key individuals and organizations involved with EDU-PET, and how do they contribute to its mission? How important is community involvement and industry support to the success of EDU-PET? EDU-PET is supported by a team of dedicated professionals, including experienced veterinarians, certified trainers, and nutritionists. We also collaborate with leading organizations in the pet industry, such as [Company Name] and [Organization Name], which provide invaluable resources and expertise. Community involvement is crucial to our mission, as it allows us to reach a broader audience and foster a supportive network of pet owners. Industry support is equally important, as it helps us stay updated on the latest products and services that can benefit pet owners. Together, these collaborations ensure that EDU-PET remains at the forefront of pet education. 5. What are your plans for expanding EDU-PET to other cities in India? What kind of support and collaboration are you seeking from the pet industry to facilitate this expansion? We are excited to expand EDU-PET to other major cities across India, including [City Name] and [City Name]. Our expansion plans include partnering with local pet care businesses and veterinary clinics to host seminars and workshops. We seek collaboration from the pet industry in the form of sponsorships, educational content contributions, and logistical support to ensure the successful rollout of our programs. By working together, we can make pet education accessible to a wider audience and create a network of informed pet owners throughout the country. 6. What can a pet attendee expect to take away by attending your EDU-PET seminar? Attendees of the EDU-PET seminar can expect to leave with a wealth of practical knowledge and insights that they can immediately apply to improve their pets’ lives. They will gain a deeper understanding of essential topics such as nutrition, behavior, grooming, and health management. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with experts, allowing them to address specific concerns and receive tailored advice. Additionally, they will connect with a community of like-minded pet owners, fostering relationships that can provide ongoing support and sharing of best practices. 7. As a seasoned professional in the pet industry, what message would you like to convey to pet parents in India? To all pet parents in India, I urge you to embrace the responsibility of being informed and proactive in your pet care. Pets bring immense joy and companionship, and they rely on us for their health and happiness. Take the time to educate yourselves about your pets’ needs and seek out credible sources of information. Remember, investing in your pet’s well-being is an investment in their future and your bond with them. 8. What role do you see the pet industry playing in the future of pet education and welfare in India? The